
Saturday, March 17, 2012


You come to find the parenthetical digressions and side-tracks are often the most significant stories.

The Incidentals, [ the asides, from the main tasks in the legend[s] of the challenges of Hercules], might include:

The attack of the giant crab while Herakles was fighting the Hydra;

The accidental deaths of the Centaurs, Kheiron (Chiron) and Pholos;

Saving the Trojan princess, Hesione, from the skull-faced ketos, i.e. sea-monster;

The fight with the sea god, Nereus;

The fight with the Giant, Antaios;

Killing the Egyptian king, Busiris;

Freeing Prometheus from his bonds; and

Supporting the heavens for Prometheus’ brother, Atlas.

The Oracle Spake! lol

PARERGA: Notes in the Margins.

the parergon is developed as adornment, embellishment, ornamentation (Zierathen) of the main ergon,(work).

" the parergon participates in the act of reflective thought, []of reflective faith, through [] seemingly endless segmentation of the commentary "

" parerga denote a supplemental and instructional gesture that accompanies a main text or narrative, but does so in a resolutely critical manner."

[from Latin, from Greek, from para-1 + ergon work]

SIDE WORK, SIDE JOB :Ornamental Digression

Parerga are not simply notes; they should be thought of as the extremities of a body,

without which the [main] text is truncated.

Parerga are notations to the text which make the text show its complexities; they bring into the main narrative the realities of multiple positions, make interventions that show there is no [apparent stasis] stability in []history, that the story itself constantly shifts [is not pinned down nor nailed], that any attempt to produce a cohesive narration, an Ur-text of the history []will draw voices from the margins [].

Parerga are not commentaries.

They do not interrogate a stable main text or invite further commentary.

[They are their own story.]Rather,

They are, [] a Derrida - “lean on,” [ that is a space ] where [there is ] the chance to hold onto something: an idea, an explanation, a question, an interrogation, a dissent.

[So ironically they do represent stability - but not the orthodox [main] vein of stability.]

They are metatext [which] seeks to unseat [] certainties which might exist in the main text, [ to unseat] any convictions that might have developed in the narrative [].

"Parerga" offer a means to engage with the main text's “imponderabilia of actual life”;


[For Rights] )

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